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Monthly Scriptural Scriptural Prompt: GROUNDED, Lord is my Rock, Daughters of Ishmael

Monthly Scriptural Prompt Emotion: GROUNDED

The Bible Art Tour: Psalm 18:2

Book of Mormon the Art Tour: 1 Nephi 7:19

Come see seven new revealings by Artists of various faiths and here stories inspired by being grounded in the faith including stories of and inspired Christ being our rock and Ishmeal’s daugther and his Wife that defended Nephi. Artwork likened to our day will also be exhibited.

Location TBA in Utah County and displayed for a month. Seven Artists of various faiths from our School and network announced soon.

January 10

Monthly Emotional Scriptural Prompt: INSPIRED: Stories inspired by Rejoicing in Christ and Samuel’s Courage

March 14

Monthly Emotional Scriptural Prompt: BRAVERY, Story of Abigail and Moroni