Monthly Emotional Scriptural Prompt: INSPIRED: Stories inspired by Rejoicing in Christ and Samuel’s Courage
Monthly Scriptural Prompt: Emotion - INSPIRED
Book of Mormon The Art Tour Prompt: Samuel’s Courage, Helamen 14:13
The Bible Art Tour Prompt: Rejoice in my Savior Luke 1:47
Seven new pieces of Artwork created and inspired on the emotional them “Inspired.” “Samuel’s Courage.” - Samuel the Lamanite witnesses of the Savior. Artists of various faiths from our network including Paul Romeri-Grass, Rhonda Williams, Rosemary Williams, Rachel Sackett, Marta Johnson, Corey Strange, Andrea Jessup and will be revealing and talking about the Artwork along with many pieces from our previous shows that will be on display and available for purchase through the first week of February at Mambo Cuban Cuisine in Provo Utah,
Mambo Cuban Cuisine:
151 N. University Ave, Provo UT 84601
Monthly Scriptural Scriptural Prompt: GROUNDED, Lord is my Rock, Daughters of Ishmael
Monthly Scriptural Prompt Emotion: GROUNDED
The Bible Art Tour: Psalm 18:2
Book of Mormon the Art Tour: 1 Nephi 7:19
Come see seven new revealings by Artists of various faiths and here stories inspired by being grounded in the faith including stories of and inspired Christ being our rock and Ishmeal’s daugther and his Wife that defended Nephi. Artwork likened to our day will also be exhibited.
Location TBA in Utah County and displayed for a month. Seven Artists of various faiths from our School and network announced soon.
Monthly Emotional Scriptural Prompt: BRAVERY, Story of Abigail and Moroni
Monthly Emotional Scriptural Prompt: Bravery
The Bible Art Tour: 1 Samuel 25, Abigail defending her Husband
Book of Mormon the Art Tour: Alma 46:12 Moroni fighting for the defense of his Wife
Unveilings by Seven Artists from our Faith sharing Artwork of these two stories from Scripture as well as Artwork inspired by and likened to our times by these scriptures.
Location: Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Time: End of March TBA
Annual Easter Show
Our Annual Easter Show,
Seven works of Art featuring each day from Holy Week. More information coming soon
Christmas Show at Iglesia Emanuel Asambleas de Dios
Our Annual Christmas Show invited to Iglesia Emanuel de Dios Provo.
Come join the sevices at 9 am and 10:30 and see our Artwork as part of this special Church’s effort to bring people closer to Christ.
1078 S 250 E, Provo, UT 84601
Annual Christmas Show Private Viewing and Charity Drive
Artwork from our Annual Christmas Show will be on display at a Private residence in Lindon Utah. Invitation only.
Also as part of this evening will be Artwork donated to the John Paul Fugal Scholarships and Nan Osmond Grass Scholarships. Our semi-annual Fundraiser for these scholarships that go towards helping those in our School on Scholarship as well as other projects we do.
Annual Christmas Show at St. Francis Orem
Our annual Christmas Show will be part of St. Francis’ Christmas Boutique. Come see much of the Artwork from our Show and others that are celebrating the most special time of the year with those from this special community.
Boutique runs Saturday from 10-6 PM and Sunday
St Francis of Assisi, 65 500 North Orem Utah 84057
Annual Christmas Show at Provo United Congregational United Church of Christ
Come enjoy Art and Music from the Christmas Season at Provo Community Congregational United Church of Christ.
175 N. University Avenue, Provo Utah.
Annual Christmas Show Opening Night
Monthly Show: Our Annual Christmas Show! The Religious Academy of Art and Music’s annual Christmas Show. This show features Original Artworks by Artists of many faiths including Andee Losee, Chuck Marshall, Denise Gracias, Kathy Bruner, Jenedy Paige, Morgan Gustafson, Paul Grass, Rosemary Williams, Rhonda Williams, Rachel Sackett, Several Youth Artists from our Academy, and our special Musical Guest Nathan Osmond.
This show is a fundraiser for the African Orphanage Kili Hope Organization with the $7 ticket sales at the door all going to this special Orphanage. Artwork and Testimonials by the Artists will be shared and a special Christmas Message by Pastor Oscar Guerrero will be given.
Light refreshments and a special new Painting by The Religious Academy Workshop group painting “Revealed By the Power of the Holy Ghost.” The Simeon Model, Richard Raun, will share his testimony of the miracle of the Savior’s Birth.
This is a must see event, mark your Calendars today!!
The Lindon Community Center, 25 N. Main Street, Lindon UT 84048
Event One
Monthly Art Show: Book of Mormon the Art Tour, Artwork from this tour based off monthly prompts. This month’s prompt “Pahoran Forgives.” Several Artists including Rachel Sackett, Paul Romeri-Grass, Rhonda Williams and Rosemary Williams have created Artwork that will be revealed at 6:30 at the Museum of Mormon Mexican History in Provo, Utah.